Track Reacts – Positions//Ariana Grande


Ariana Grande's 'Positions' album cover. Featuring The Weeknd and Doja Cat

This album hits it from the front, the back, and even sideways sometimes. But flexibility? We might have to save the pretzel for another night

    Hello once again and welcome to another installment of the critically-acclaimed online series Track Reacts

Is it 5 am when I'm writing this? Yes. 
Did I come back to this blog just to complete a Track Reacts because a pop girlie finally dropped an album that I wanted to give my time? Also yes. 
Am I still depressed as fuck? that even a question?

I've recently been getting back into Ari's music, specifically the sleeper hit in her discography that is Sweetener – its her ARTPOP in my mind, in that its criminally underrated. And when she said she was going to be releasing new music soon, I was very much afraid because it felt very unseasonal. To me, Ari gives me breaths of summer and springtime. And then she dropped this on my dome without warning. But a sis will not complain. I needed a new album to replay everyday until I get bored of it.

Now, as always, this is the part where you may be asking yourself, what credibility do you, Mannifred Quinnzelle, have to critique music that's been labored on by people vastly more talented than yourself? 

None. None at fucking all. But here we go anyway my lovelies.

shut up (2:38)

Now this no raindrops (an angel cried), but then again, no album opening is ever really going to serve in that way again I feel. But this is a lovely way to begin this album. I will admit, I got a little bit cautious because from what was being served vocally at the start, namely Ari's trademark soft double layered harmonious goodness, I was scared that we were going to be treated to more of the usual. It's difficult for an artist to consistently deliver a sound that is unique to each album but also true to themselves (especially when that artist is pumping out work at the rate Ms. Grande is), and I think this album does that for Ari (but maybe not as hard as it could).  Honestly the most interesting part of this track for me is the almost Disney-esque orchestral riff towards the end. I understand the kind of retro 70s vibe that's woven into the album and I think this was the best way to introduce that, I just wish it could've played a bigger part in the earlier production in the track.

34+35 (2:54)

It's very hard to not compare one piece of work to another. But this track is so evocative of the music space she was in on thank u, next. The bouncy, irreverent R&B vibes on this track are incredibly Ari and honestly, that's why we love her. I will say, it made me extremely happy to see the sheer amount of sexuality she's poured into the lyrics this time. Like this is the adult Ari that I wanna see. This is the new era of her artistry that excites me. Also. 69 hehe

spiderman noice 69 reaction image gif

motive (with Doja Cat) (2:48)

This. This is what I wanted. This is what I needed. This is what I was waiting for. Ari is an incredibly strong artist on her own and her vocal range speaks for itself. But she just always does so well when she's paired with another female artist. *cough cough* Rain on Me *cough cough* And this is no exception. The vibe on this song is impeccable. The hook is like butter, just sliding through my ears and down my spine. I think this tempo might be an Ariana trademark at this point because I can always imagine her doing the kickball-change shuffle that she did in Rain on Me to any track set to this beat. And Doja does the damn Doja thing. My only gripe is that I wish her verse could've been longer. Doja is one of those lyricists that crafts lyrics that make you come back after the third listen like "o wow". Needless to say, this is a household that stans both of these women. And yes, I haven't stopped playing this song on repeat.
Brooklyn99 Cool GIF - Brooklyn99 Cool Motive GIFs

just like magic (2:30)

Let's call this what it is, a soft, subliminal flex. I like the theming of this song in the snap of a finger to cast some witchcraft and the little snaps are very cute and well placed. But it feels like she's holding back even just a little on this track. There is a lot in the way of messaging in the front half but the latter verses don't really deliver to me the same level of care and connection. In the very Ari way, she preaches self-love and manifesting great things for yourself, but just when I feel like I'm finally actually getting to know her, the song leaves me wistful.

off the table (with The Weeknd) (4:00)

I feel like this song is perfectly indicative of the soft, muted, vaseline covered camera lens that I view this album through. Listening to this song literally feels like the soft  baby pink that is at work in the album cover's color palette. It's a soft lullaby moment about wanting to love someone after you've reached a place of better understanding of your own self that is easy to listen to and digest. It's really easy to tell that both Ari and The Weeknd are completely in their element here, in both the meaning of the song and the musical vibe. No stranger to R&B stylings, they feel at home here, but weirdly enough, not at home together. The harmony between both of them feels 95% of the way there but missing a core puzzle piece. 

six thirty (3:04)

As a bottom, this speaks to me. In a very submissive uwu girl kinda way, I can completely empathize with this song questioning if the significant other in question is always going to be down. I'm insecure, sue me. Like I can literally see with perfect vision Ari asking a man these questions while looking up at him through big lashes. The vision of it is crystal clear. My favorite part of this track has to be the escalation on the "are you down (x3)". There isn't much in the first half of this album in the way of Ariana showing out vocally as she usually does, but this gives me that little taste to satiate my need for a fix.
What Does 'Uwu' Mean? Understanding the Popular Emoticon

safety net (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)  (3:29)

This was honestly the first track in this album progression where I felt like I was being treated to a different meal, a different cuisine. Ari is always a specific version of herself when paired with traditional rap artists like this but I felt like I was finally getting the Ari I know and love here. The production I feel could have stripped itself down even more to really sell the falling aspect and highlight the vocals on both of these artists. I felt the forlorn aspect of this but it also felt, in a way, cozy. And maybe that's actually what she wanted. The feeling of accepting the crash when you knew you weren't wearing a seatbelt. 

my hair (2:38)

I- I'm sorry but I cannot vibe all the way with this song. Ms. Grande, I know that we are not of the same ethnic background and thus have differing experiences. I am primarily Black, she is not. I did clock you pointing out that it sometimes is tracks, which was very much appreciated. But a man, or anyone for that matter touching my hair just is not my vibe as a bitch with natural hair. Grip it, grab it, and pull it during the nasty (with moderation) at my instruction, but running your hands through it is definitely a no go. Also maybe I've been playing too much Animal Crossing (I definitely have lol) but that opening guitar riff got me going for a little bit. I enjoy the mellow slow jam vibe in this track and finally getting to a whistle note halfway through the album was a gratifying moment. And whistle notes abounded.

nasty (3:21)

It is truly a blessed day when a track begins with a whistle note. I hate to keep comparing this her other work but I got very My Everything vibes from this track. The second part of this one-two punch was me hearing Ari say the word 😺 for the first time. And that was on its own an amazing experience. But I mean, what did I expect with a title like "nasty". But I'm incredibly here for Ari not shying away even remotely from her sexuality as an adult woman. That shift is always a beautiful thing to watch in an artist because my hoe ass finally gets more tracks to play when I want to feel like a baddie before my nonexistent hookups. 
katy perry nasty reaction gif image

west side (2:12)

Ariana really said that the only person I need to harmonize with is myself. And, I stan that behavior. Queen shit only. The slight discordance on some of these harmonies are truly everything. This is the caliber of song that I wish some of the other tracks could be brought to. There's so much potential to this track that I feel should definitely been mined. This track felt different and new in a way that some of the others haven't and I honestly wish there was more (more).

love language (3:00)

By far the most interesting instrumental opening to any of the tracks here, this song somehow gave me a kind of disco flavor. I'm unsure how or why but it's the only way my brain is able to process it. This is a bit off topic but this brought to mind that one song from Phineas & Ferb that Candace and Vanessa had. Anyhow, I can feel the retro vibe that is pressed into the music videos she's released thus far better and more evidently here. And then there's the sucker punch at the end just when you think the track has ended with some unfinished business to attend to. If I'm going to be quite honest, that ending snippet had me more excited than the rest of the song and I would've loved to have seen more of that, perhaps in a track on its own. 

positions (2:52)

It is damn near criminal to put this glorious track so deep into the track list on this album. Talk about burying the lead. When this track was first released, it truly excited me for what the next chapter of her discography would look like. And while this album didn't disappoint necessarily, I don't think I maintained the same level of hype that I'd had after hearing this track. This track is Ari in her element doing what she does best. The production goes hard exactly the way it needs to and it crescendos perfectly. Just a well-crafted, quality pop song. And she throws in a whistle note for us. Such a generous queen. 
ariana grande positions kitchen flour hands

obvious (2:27)

At this point, I'm actually upset that she's saving these bangers for the end. Like I know I have no right to tell her what the order of her tracklist should be, but goddamn, making us wait for these consecutive bops seems cruel. This song is just such a polished version of Ariana and feels like a direction that this album could've taken as a North Star. My body just couldn't help but to sway listening to this and I'm sure only 20% of that was sleep deprivation.

pov (3:22)

The lullaby ballad that I truly wanted and honestly, expected, once I got a bead on the softer tone of this album, this track caps this album in a way that most final songs are unable to do effectively. But I will say, I feel this song could also work at the beginning of an album and that's just a testament to her mind. This track very much encapsulates the feeling of this album as a love letter above all else and is an incredibly beautiful ending. I would love to see this done either acoustically or with a large backing orchestra to really send her voice, and this letter, back to the heavens above. 

Top Tracks

πŸ₯‡ motive (with Doja Cat)
πŸ₯ˆ positions
πŸ₯‰ obvious / pov

Final Thoughts

I'm going to be honest. I am a touch saddened by this album. Is it a wonderful piece of art carefully put together? For sure. But I don't feel like much new ground was really broken with it. Going from Sweetener to thank u, next to this in the span of three years will of course cause some overlap in terms of sound because there isn't sufficient time to evolve and develop a new one in that timeframe. That, I understand. But, I guess I just would've preferred if this album was left in the oven just a little longer to make it something really special. I felt a marked difference from Sweetener to thank u, next which I understand has a bit to do with the producers at the helm. But on positions, I feel so much of what I'm hearing is stuff that I've already heard from Ariana. And not that that means that what she's produced isn't good and worthwhile, it just all kind of blends together somewhat into audio marshmallow fluff. I think had this album pushed one theme or sound a bit harder, there could have definitely been bigger and higher points to grab on to. The only thing I'm really left with in terms of overarching themes in this album is the word soft. And that's not bad. But for the sake of Ariana making music just to release some of her stress and allow for her fans to have something new to listen to, this album does itself justice. And not mention the few diamonds poking out from underneath the fuzzy plush blanket of her voice.

Do you agree or disagree with anything I said here? Let me know in the comments! I thrive off feedback (that's a lie I'm very insecure) and would honestly like to know that I'm not just screaming into the void. I can't promise that I will post another one soon but I've been thinking about doing Track Reacts of some of my favorite albums that aren't contemporary releases. Let me know if that sounds like something you'd be interested in!

M Quinn🌹🌈


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