Corona, Quarantine, and Depression! Oh My!

I know I said I didn't want to be around people but this is not what I meant

   Hello party persons, welcome to the first proper post on this party blog.  πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰I hope you all are staying safe out there during this pandemic that we are living through. It is not an easy time right now for anyone and it is very easy to lose sight of one's mental health in all the hullaballoo about deteriorating physical health. 

    Seeing as you don't know me yet; hi there, I have depression. And social anxiety (which I have thankfully worked on enough that it hasn't been a major issue for a little while). There's probably some anxiety anxiety mixed in there too but I think my mental illness sundae already has enough flavors for right now. Needless to say, I am constantly teetering on the edge of a depressive episode and times of high stress like the simulation we're stuck in don't do me much good. I become even worse off when I don't have my support network to help keep me afloat. And that's the situation a lot of mentally ill people are finding themselves in right now. Being stuck in quarantine with only my thoughts - which are quite frankly super rude and hella mean to me - and nothing else is never the ideal scenario. The only reason I haven't completely unraveled is that I am lucky enough to have been blessed with wonderful extroverts that haven't dropped contact with me to keep me sane. But not everyone has that luxury and even then, having to look just enough not like hot garbage for FaceTime can be a drag. 

   So while you're (hopefully) following all the hygiene regiments to prevent further spread of COVID-19, here is a list of 3 things I do everyday to help with my mental health.

Keep your hygiene up for F's sake
   I know it should go without saying, but personal hygiene during times like these is especially important. It is extremely easy to just not shower since you haven't left your bed for the last 18 hours (except for that 3am fridge raid) and I know that I personally am especially prone to just devolving into a gross mess at the drop of a dime so I try to do my normal beauty routine at least once a week. In addition to making me feel human again, its enjoyable to feel as though my life is following a path of some normalcy. Since not everyone has a beauty routine, I would recommend at the very least to just shower every other day. Its especially easy to fall into the cycle of not having the energy to upkeep which in turn leaves your physical presentation to deteriorate which decreases self-esteem and pushes us further into the Depression Pit™️. So if showers are too much energy to expend, just brush your teeth before you get a cavity.

Go play your video games
    Lana Del Rey really did say it best didn't she? It's you, it's you, it's all for you. Distract, distract, distract. Do whatever it is you need to to escape the current state of things to save your mental health. There is nothing wrong with pushing pause on the dire state of things to just take a breather and play some Animal Crossing. I'm personally a very big fan of the new Animal Crossing as its been a pretty effective salve for the loss of social interaction that I could normally and had come to expect from my weekly routine. And the same can be said for most other people in quarantine as the release of said game caused many retailers to go through their stock of Nintendo Switch console systems. But if you already have a Switch yet don't wish to expose yourself by going to a physical store, Amazon and the Nintendo Online E-Shop both offer digital codes for the game so you can download them to your console from the ease of your home. And for the rest of population that was not privvy to awesomeness of the Switch before this madness, there's also a fun mobile app called Animal Crossing Pocket Camp which provides much of the same functionality and interaction. 

We're getting a transmission Captain
   It is literally the age of technology. If you're reading this, then you definitely have Internet access or some kind of mystical powers that the world has yet to see. Either way, you should know that there are a bunch of services that allow you to connect with the friends and family that you so dearly miss. Online messaging systems are still functional for the time being and should be utilized to their utmost potential. Services like FaceTime, Skype calls, Google Hangouts, Kast, and many others allow you to be annoyed at the people you love without having to physically be around them. There are even programs that allow you to watch the same shows as those on the call with you and there are games like JackBox TV that don't require much more than your device and good enough internet. There's less of a reason to actually be isolated in a time when it already feels as though you are. People are still out there and alive so go out and get em. 

M Quinn🌹


co-signed by the goils

*cough cough* – a little update on me being alive

Let's Talk About Sex Baby