dear ms. rona - some behind the scenes insight and tea

dear ms. rona, you're a bitch and i don't like you. periodt.

    A very good friend of mine, (@kris_tea_anne on IG) recently asked me to stop by during quarantine to help them put some life into the live-read of their poem. Don't worry dear reader, we stayed 6ft. apart in accordance with proper social distancing etiquette. Below is the transcript of the poem and what Kris wanted to say to #dearcovid19

dear ms. rona 

hey bitch.

but before we read, let’s get one thing straight miss thang

when I say bitch 

I don’t mean biiiitch

for when the tea is hot

or even biiitch

for when you spy a juicy thot


no honey, I mean bitch

as in bitch 

who do you think you are

running ‘round leaving scars


now that that’s been settled

welcome back to my YouTube channel

and let the dragging of covid commence

lookie here bitch

you come into my house

where you weren’t invited

crash on my couch

and made people short-sighted

i will never forget the toilet paper 

cmon y’all

we're all in this together 

once we know that we are

we’re all stars

and we see that

flaws you ignited

violence you incited

the world is set aflame 

are you happy

are you proud?

honey, you should be ashamed

you’re not that cute

your hair’s uneven

ya look dusty

ain’t nobody want you

you can’t sit with us you dusty musty crusty troll

the gall.

the audacity.

you really think you run things ‘round here

but the human spirit is resilient 

we will give you respect but not fear

we will not be defeated

we will not cower, stand back and hide

but what we will do

is stay our ass inside

pandemics do not permit racism.


     If you'd like to be treated to my live-reading of this poem, you can head to to watch. 
dear ms. rona cover photo. Mannie Quinn in rainbow hair performing poetry live.

         Kris was lovely enough to share some insights with me before the reading to really get me in the headspace:

 With all of the free time that I've had on my hands, I felt that the best use of my time was getting into producing more art and working on exercising the creative part of my brain that I'd neglected for such a long time. and so, I've been writing a lot more poetry and been working on my novice makeup skills. And thus, this project was born.

       Now, I am in no way trying to trivialize the incredible weight that COVID-19 has had and is going to continue to have on our society but I really needed an outlet to work out the more negative feelings I had towards the virus in a way that wasn't just me shouting into the void. I was really easy to feel like I was throwing my feelings at a brick wall so I decided to take myself just a little less seriously and let myself have fun with dragging the coronavirus. The original version of this poem was a lot less jovial and kinda just made me feel bad while writing it so I scrapped it and started fresh to find this. 
        I had a lot of fun bringing life to this and I'm excited to potentially do more live poetry readings in the future. Let me know what you guys think in the comments.

M Quinn🌹🌈


co-signed by the goils

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